Hemp and the Human Body: Science Supports the Benefits
Incredible stories from satisfied customers have provided us with heaps of anecdotal evidence over the years, but there is also emerging research that reveals how Hemp Extract may work within the body and serves to back up the claims of our happy customers.
What is Hemp Extract?
Within the plant, more than 100 phytocompounds can be found. Hemp Extract does not elicit intoxicating effects such as the traditional “high” associated with other compounds.
Structure Equals Function
In any chemistry class, one of the first rules students learn is that a molecule’s structure dictates its function. For hemp extract, its structure mirrors compounds that our bodies produce naturally. These compounds balance and control communication between cells and helps cells maintain their optimal shape to ensure their optimal function. Research indicates that unpleasant symptoms and disease can occur in the presence of an imbalance of an individual’s natural compounds.
What can Hemp Extract do for me?
A common question is: “What can Hemp Extract do for me?” Although it sounds too good to be true, the answer depends on your body and its response. When circulating in the bloodstream, Hemp Extract binds to a few receptors: and will have a different effect based upon which receptors it is interacting with. To promote homeostasis (balance), hemp extract has been shown to either speed up cellular activity or slow it down-based on what the body needs. This might explain why some people feel energized or focused and others feel at ease or restful.
Even though the exact mechanisms that drive this phenomenon are still being researched, we have thousands of customer stories who have experienced incredible results. As this industry grows and matures, we are excited to see new research that validates the stories of our customers and inspire thewhy behind what we do each day!